Today a poor little guy (or girl) hit a window of my parents' house. If I'm not mistaken, it was a common chiffchaff, the German word is Zilpzalp. The funny name results from their prominent singing.
After lying on the ground a few minutes, he sat up and rested as the photo shows. He seemed very sleepy and didn't show any reaction when I approached him. Unfortunately I didn't have any insects to offer, only an egg cup of water. He wasn't interested. After 10 minutes or so he suddenly started to cheep and took off. He clinged to the wall for a moment and then decided to fly away.
This sounds like a happy ending but wikipedia taught me, that many birds die from inner bleedings after such an accident. I'll hope for the best. He's planning to leave for Southern Europe or Northern Africa soon, so I wish him a good journey.